
FCAT is a Four-letter Word

Dear Ed Inquiry, I am at my wits' end!  I just got my son's 9th grade FCAT Reading Score, and he narrowly missed a level 3 to show proficiency. Here's the issue:  He only has room in his schedule for two...

A Whole New Ballgame

I was channel flipping the other day while tooling down the road and stumbled upon a song by Extreme, Hole-Hearted. My daughter looked at me like I had three heads when I exclaimed excitedly, “I love this...

Need More Options

Dear Ed Inquiry, I have some concerns about high school credit requirements and the elective classes my high schooler is required to take.  In my county, kids take 8 courses each year for a total of 32...

End of Individualization?

Dear Ed Inquiry,  I am trying to find some REAL information on what's going on with Common Core, specifically in regards to Special Education and IEP's. Everything I am finding is from out of state (I'm...

Confounded by Common Core

Ed Inquiry, I saw you on Glenn Beck last month and was very impressed with your input on Common Core.  I just completed Glenn's book and was hoping to have more test questions that grade school kids...