Ed Inquiry,

I saw you on Glenn Beck last month and was very impressed with your input on Common Core.  I just completed Glenn’s book and was hoping to have more test questions that grade school kids were getting now in math, history, and English. He has only one example from Michelle Malkin’s blog. Do you have any information that I can use in talking to people about Common Core that is not as opinionated as Beck’s perspective that contains testing questions? My children did real good in their public schools because they were in AP classes and those teachers were incredible. My youngest graduated 10 years ago though and both would have been exposed to this new crap if it were today!

Thank you,

Confounded by Common Core


Dear Confounded by Common Core,

Common Core is definitely a controversial topic with loads of information and misinformation swirling around it. While some would say we are improving in the educational front, others will argue that the kids of years past received a better education without all the government initiatives and political red tape. But, I would venture to say most agree that things are a mess right now. Teachers are frustrated, parents are confused, and our kids are smack dab in the middle of the stupidity.

Here is a link that gives some side-by-side comparisons of questions based on the old standards versus the Common Core standards:


It is sponsored by the Foundation for Excellence in Education, so there certainly is an agenda, but I found the information to be helpful, particularly the comparison questions. I hope you find what you are looking for to fuel intelligent and thoughtful conversation about the Common Core!

Thanks for your comments and questions!


Ed Inquiry

One Response

  1. Chuck


    How I respect you for your willingness to go on to Glenn Beck and share you cause about Common Core. I am a conservative but am also level-headed about what issues are important, really important. I will stand with anyone, conservative or liberal who understands the danger of what’s happening in our education system. I appreciate your backbone and honesty. This conservative will stand with you and pray for you!

    Chuck Bero


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