
Longer Days Ahead?

Dear Ed Inquiry, Do you think it is going to be necessary to extend the school day to fit in all the extra work that the new rigorous standards will entail? Sincerely, Longer Days...

Broken Promises

Dear Ed Inquiry, I don't see that you post a lot of questions from students, but I thought I'd write in any way.   I have more of a complaint than a question really.  I am so pissed that after years...

Information Highway or Dead-End Street?

Dear Ed Inquiry, I love to incorporate technology such as QR codes, Twitter, and online resources for research and word studies in my classroom. Yet, I am always disappointed in the level of excitement and...

You’re Only Cheating Yourself

Dear Ed Inquiry, I am no longer a new teacher with 7 years in, but for some reason, the cheating that goes on in my high school classes is just starting to really get under my skin. Maybe it's because I've...


Dear Ed Inquiry, What research have you done on the absence of play in kindergarten and the affect it has on our children?  It seems to me that we have placed some rather inappropriate expectations on...

Sage on the Stage

Dear Ed Inquiry, I am a fairly new teacher who is finally comfortable with the content I am teaching.  Now, I am looking to increase engagement in my classroom. Until now, I have stuck with the...