Dear Ed Inquiry,

I don’t see that you post a lot of questions from students, but I thought I’d write in any way.  

I have more of a complaint than a question really.  I am so pissed that after years and years of being told the last standardized tests for reading and writing I’d have to take would be in 10th grade, I find out I have to take the new test for the new standards in 11th grade. 

How much time and effort do you think I am going to put into this?  I will work hard on the EOCs since they could kill my grades, but this new test means nothing for my grades or graduation.  It’s a complete waste of my time.

Thanks for letting me vent.


Broken Promises


Dear Broken Promises,

We can definitely feel your pain.

As educators, we worry about situations just like this. You see, you are taking this test in part to provide proof (or lack thereof) that we are good teachers.  

So, your going into the test upset and unmotivated is a real concern. 

Have you considered talking with your parents about opting out of this test?  You said it yourself: it doesn’t affect your grades or graduation as an 11th grader.

It would send a message from an important and often unheard group


Ed Inquiry


One Response

  1. Meredith

    Broken Promises,
    I agree with Ed Inquiry. If you gather enough students who are like-minded, you could send a real message that enough is enough from a student’s perspective. You’d have enormous support from many other parents who are opting their children out. Have that conversation with your parents and know the facts…more importantly, know your rights! Best of luck and KIT!


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