Today’s Hump Day Hero is a 9 year old girl who found herself in a bit of hot water after shaving her head in support of her friend going through chemo therapy.  Although  she had her parents’ blessing and the gesture was one of compassion, Kamryn Renfro was suspended after returning to school without hair.

“Caprock Academy does have a detailed dress code policy, which was created to promote safety, uniformity, and a non-distracting environment for the school’s students. Under this policy, shaved heads are not permitted,” Catherine Norton Breman, president and chair of the public charter school’s board of directors, said.

However, after the story gained attention and subsequent outrage in the press and on social media, Kamryn was allowed back to school.  To see the whole story with video click here.

For being gutsy and kind, Kamryn Renfro, you are ConversationED’s Hump Day Hero. Congrats!



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