
Need More Options

Dear Ed Inquiry, I have some concerns about high school credit requirements and the elective classes my high schooler is required to take.  In my county, kids take 8 courses each year for a total of 32...

End of Individualization?

Dear Ed Inquiry,  I am trying to find some REAL information on what's going on with Common Core, specifically in regards to Special Education and IEP's. Everything I am finding is from out of state (I'm...

Confounded by Common Core

Ed Inquiry, I saw you on Glenn Beck last month and was very impressed with your input on Common Core.  I just completed Glenn's book and was hoping to have more test questions that grade school kids...

Breaking the Silence

ED Inquiry, I am a special needs teacher who is very disturbed by what’s happening in education.  I'm so happy to hear of the grassroots effort against the Common Core Standards and former educators...

Bordering on a Boycott

ED Inquiry, I've really been concerned about common core. I've heard teachers do like it. Are they being paid to say that? I'm a mom of 4 girls....my third one will start kinder in the fall; I have another...

Irritated in Indiana

Dear ED Inquiry, I have a daughter that has been struggling with the state subject area exams given in high school in our state Indiana. She has taken one particular subject area test 3 times. She also has...