Comments on: Why our education rank means absolutely nothing. Fri, 18 Dec 2015 06:15:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Scott Sat, 31 Jan 2015 02:15:49 +0000 You nailed it. KA~ BOOM ~

By: linda morris Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:10:41 +0000 That is the problem with the educational system. You got business people making decisions about education reforms instead of those who are in the trenches with the education issues. If all the knowledgeable business geniuses are the experts examine how the playing fields for these ” jobs” still only include white educated men instead of minorities and women? If this educational reform movement is such a neccesity why do you have teachers being pushed out of jobs teaching some of the skills that made the business geniuses that the people they are today? You and I both know that educational reforms are about politics and money. No one cares about educating our children. The game has already been outlined who will have what jobs. I once heard that in some countries, children know what job they will have based on their upbringing. Well we can add the USA to that list. Education is not important but what is important is selecting certain people for high paying jobs and giving the low paying job to the people at the bottom. Be true with it.

By: Norma J F Harrison Wed, 14 Jan 2015 07:06:20 +0000 School is our Owners’ device to control us. Telling us we have to prepare ourselves to fit the niches THey devise for their profit is the evidence that we need to avoid to every extent possible, THeir advice, THeir institutions, THeir call for workers to fit THeir requirements. School is not educational. It is a tool to create conformation to the systems capitalism has produced.

By: Norma J F Harrison Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:43:25 +0000 People need all to enjoy life, to do whatever feels good and makes sense to do. Read some of what I’ve written to see where and when to do that. School is not the right place for us to do it.
