Comments on: How You Can Prepare Students for Minimum Wage Sat, 10 Oct 2015 00:17:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tree Trimmer Jim Wed, 11 Jun 2014 04:43:07 +0000 How many students understand basic economic enough to realize that there in no such thing as an effect minimum wage?

Minimum wage assumes neither party has free will. Government control of free will has been tried repeatedly since history begin. We are still suffering from government’s attempt to control free will that caused the extension of the Great Depression, price controls, production controls, wage controls and productivity controls. Our recent move towards government mandated healthcare insurance found its birth during the Great Depression. Minimum wage is New Deal idea that has yet to find a maximum. Production controls are still subsidizing agriculture nearly a century after the problem was solved.

How many students learn the regulations that will restrict their adventures into free enterprise while in school? How many will learn the history of those regulations so they can determine for themselves whether the regulation was intended to help or offer a competitive advantage to someone or some business?

Who doe minimum wage help? How? Who does minimum wage hurt? How?

If minimum wage is good for everyone why have we waited so long to raise it each time its been raise since the 1930s? Why not just make minimum wage a million an hour so everyone will be rich? Do we teach the basics of economics sufficient for students to understand the fallacies of minimum wage?

Do students know that the Federal Reserve Note has no redeemable value and what that means? Do students know that every civilization that has tried none redeemable currency has had huge financial problems including the two previous times the United States tried fiat money?

By: Matt Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:26:26 +0000 I wonder how many teachers are intimidated by the idea that these kids have superior skills navigating this world than they do, hence, merely cutting the chord is the de facto solution for them?

However, just because children can ‘naturally’ navigate the waters, doesn’t mean anything when it comes to managing the sea and the obstacles along the way? Their is a teachable moment for both sides to learn from one another here, which can instantly bridge the gap by producing an environment where everyone is actively learning. You cannot always, all the time, regardless of the circumstance have a captain that knows everything about all adventures; that eradicates adventure, in toto.

How do kids want to learn…doesn’t mean the instructor has to forfeit what types of learning and information they are exposing their students to; I think those separate ideas are too often made one variable. Extracting the bureaucracy quotient for a moment, I produce the inquiry that is: how many teachers themselves are willing to unlearn what they have learned?

Like many industries, perhaps education being one of the biggest of them all, the 21st-century is quickly re-calibrating the standards and the calculus. When every child has “all the knowledge”, vis-a-vis, Google, what’s the purpose of a traditional multi-guess test? It puts into question the notion of the value of static information? With automation systems springing up everyday, it puts continued stress on a system that continues to offer DOA skill-sets. Is there a conduit that offers the distinction between passive information and active information, and can each compliment one another – can they be collaborative?
Finally, a prescient question is born from this cluster: how truly large is the motivation deficit in this system?

By: Annmarie Ferry Thu, 05 Jun 2014 18:16:16 +0000 Excellent point about kids doing “bad” things. We spent way more time passing nasty notes than kids do snapchatting! As far as access goes, teachers can help with that by allowing kids to work together with someone who has the technology, providing time at school, or offering product options. Part of our standards and teacher evaluations here in Florida include KIDS using technology (not teachers, KIDS). So, we can continue to teach in an archaic manner or we can get with the program, learn as much of the new stuff as we can, and let the kids teach us the stuff we didn’t know existed. We cannot churn innovators out if we squash their innovative spirits.

By: Dawn Casey-Rowe Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:21:51 +0000 I’d love to hear how you overcame some of the challenges. We’re working toward getting these structures in place at my school. There are a lot of valid concerns out there, and this transition isn’t intuitive for many. It takes one or two things to blow up before systems get discouraged. Bad things happen in the analog world, though, and I hope all schools can push through–soon, we won’t remember a time when we didn’t have these things.

By: Dawn Casey-Rowe Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:19:35 +0000 A lot of people hesitate at first, John, but the thing is, we did bad things before technology was invented. I remember the first time a kid said, “Miss, we use these to text each other the answers.” I remained unmoved, but the next day I brought in an essay test titled “Text This, Jenkins!” Game, point, match.

The way to use technology successfully is to be in the mix. When I see Facebook or non-class related Twitter, I say simply, “We’re doing this now,” just like I did when they’d pass notes. They’re usually more engaged in tech-based assignments. That’s how their minds operate. I had kids pick dictionaries off my shelf and laugh, but many of us are forced to teach that way when tech is banned.

By: JD Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:01:26 +0000 After two years of 1:1 BYOT, these brought back some memories! I think some of them are legitimate concerns asked out of care and some of them are default world-views/mindsets…occasionally they are just roadblocks thrown down to derail a project. The wonderful thing is that there are answers to each of them and the right support structure can bring along all but the few who would never be convinced anyway.

Great article.

By: John Harkness Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:26:52 +0000 I tend to agree with allowing technology in the classroom. I was skeptical at first because my experience with students and cellphones was generally bad: They are texting friends or parents. Moms seemed to be notorious for ignoring school rules and contacting their kids rather than the school office. I use my IPhone all the time for spelling or even for looking up words, facts, or people I do not know. The challenge is to take the information that the students are acquiring from their devices and using it, thinking it through, challenging and debating the research they have uncovered. The WHY part of the issue – the compare and contrast part. I am finding more and more that the problem I had with technology was school rules rather than the fact that the technology is with us. We used encyclopedias and research books in the library to gather our information and do our research; the student today has all of that in the palm of their hand. The challenge is figuring out how best to use that technology.

John Harkness
