In 2010 I saw an article in TIME Magazine by Sarah Palin about Glenn Beck. I grimaced, “This should be good.” 

As I read, she gushed over Mr. Beck, “Glenn’s like the high school government teacher so many wish they’d had, charting and connecting ideas with chalk-dusted fingers — kicking it old school — instead of becoming just another talking-heads show host.” 

I survive mostly on tofu; do yoga enough that I can actually call it a practice; and invite women to do what they choose with their own bodies. I hate guns and have pictures of Gloria Steinem and Hillary Clinton pegged to my vision board. About two sentences into the article, I knew that the only thing Palin and I had in common was that we both had uteruses. And regarding Glenn Beck, we did not agree. You see, I don’t watch FOX news unless my husband turns it on to get me fired up. And in 2010, when it came to Glenn Beck, that man could get me fired up.

But life is full of irony.

4 years after I read Ms. Palin’s article, I received a call from Glenn Beck’s producer to do an interview with Mr. Beck on his show. I always knew I would be on a national news program talking about education. I just assumed it would be Rachel Maddow or Morning Joe – a safe haven for liberals like me. Not on a conservative network like the BLAZE. 

But I’m open-minded and willing to talk to just about anyone who wants to help me push this education movement forward. So when Mr. Beck’s friend (someone I met at a conference earlier in the year) called me and said something along the lines of, “I know your views are much different from Glenn’s. But he is reaching out to lots of different people and because of what you’re doing with ConversationED, you may be a great fit for the show,” I said, “I will absolutely do the show!”

3 days later, Mr. Beck flew me to Dallas.

I was nervous. I had a twinge of fear that Mr. Beck and I would get into some political argument about Hilary Clinton and her role in Benghazi or how Barack Obama is a socialist.

That is not at all what happened.

After a stay in a five star hotel, in the very early morning hours, I was taken to Glenn Beck’s studio – the building where Oliver Stone shot movies like Born on the Fourth of July and JFK. Glenn Beck’s studio is also full of interesting and thought provoking art. Who knew conservatives had such amazing taste in art?

When I finally met Mr. Beck, right before we shot the TV segment, he was quiet and kind – holding both of my hands while he gave me a thoughtful handshake. He was not at all the crazy personality I thought he would be from the FOX News Network.

As we went live on his show, he gave me a microphone and a camera knowing I disagreed with him on most issues. He let me talk about what I wanted for over 15 minutes on two separate shows. After it was all over, he complimented me and gave me a hug. He told me we would work together again soon.

Doing Glenn Beck’s show was one of the most exciting things I had ever done and I was buzzing with energy.

As soon as I could, without being rude, I checked Facebook and twitter. Messages were coming in like crazy. Then I checked the website and saw people were making donations to our cause. Right-winged, Tea-Party Christians, who knew I disagreed with them ideologically, were sending ConversationED money. I received email after email of kind words and even prayers.

I don’t care if positive energy is coming from the left or the right. Kindness is kindness, wherever it comes from.

Let’s face it; heading up a movement is a lonely place and most days I feel defeated. But the positive energy I was receiving from his fans was beyond uplifting and gave me the vitality I needed to keep going.

So you can imagine how perplexed I was when I started receiving a different kind of energy from my own party.

“You did a great job, but why did you go on his show?”


“Be careful, you’re going to get labeled something you don’t want to be labeled…like a conservative.”


“How could you endorse his book? He’s attacking public education?”

And my favorite,

“We CANNOT align with the right no matter what!”

Really? We can’t align with the right no matter what? 

The best aspect of this movement is the left and the right agree on some very fundamental principals regarding education reform:

  1. Common Core is detrimental to educators, students and the community.
  2. High-stakes testing is designed to cripple our students and education system.
  3. Common Core and the tests that go with it are about political capital and money for corporations.  

So why wouldn’t I share my ideas about these matters with those who want to listen regardless of party affiliation?

Since the Glenn Beck show, other conservative radio hosts have reached out to me knowing I’m a liberal. In fact, Drew Steele, a local conservative host in Ft. Myers, had me on his show last week. I was supposed to be on for just 5 minutes; I ended up with the microphone for over 15. And he has invited me back.

Even more exciting, Glenn Beck has invited me back to Dallas to participate in a Fathom event on July 22 called We Will Not Conform. It is an event about solutions and how we can get people motivated and inspired to move this revolution forward. More importantly it’s about action. In fact, there will be a plan for people to access so they can immediately start taking the necessary steps to stop Common Core and high-stakes testing.

“There are only a few opportunities in life to make a real difference by standing up for what you believe in.” ~ Glenn Beck

This is one of those opportunities.

While conservatives are giving me airtime on their shows with no parameters or conditions, my own party has not returned my calls. And let’s just say MSNBC isn’t blowing up my phone with opportunities.

The only time I’m contacted from the left is through emails and private Facebook messages criticizing my alliance with Glenn Beck and the right.

I get it.

There are fundamental viewpoints engrained in people because of their life experiences. To try to change those fundamental views I would need a time machine to go back and rewrite peoples’ stories. I have no interest in doing that. 

This notion that you’re either with us or against us is impeding the movement.

So I will stand proudly with Glenn Beck on this issue and be grateful he gave me the opportunity to have my voice and message heard. This man treated me with respect and dignity on his set and provided me the platform necessary to have my voice heard.  I am a loyal girl; so regardless of his views I will forever be his friend.  

And as it turns out, Sarah Palin and I agree on two things…Glenn Beck totally kicks it old-school. And he is so much more than a conservative talking head.

43 Responses

  1. Dawn Casey-Rowe

    I used to love politics. Then they started affecting me and they weren’t so fun anymore–a hypocrite moment, eh? I’ve been working on ed reform stuff since I accidentally found myself with a voice. We should all have a voice. I’m more moderate than liberal, but my son’s been known to go to staunch conservatives and say, “FOX News is not allowed!” Never, in a thousand years did I imagine I’d be one person removed from Mr. Beck four-times over, and that Mr. Beck would take on the cause I’ve been working hard for–bringing the “education” into education reform. Wish I could go w you, but indeed, thank him for bringing a much bigger voice to this quicker than I ever thought:) I’m grateful. Now, back to work!

  2. @historiteacher

    As a history teacher for 16+ years, I have learned that dividing people into groups brings automatic inferiority and the only way to make a difference is to educated people on the facts. You were given an opportunity to educate the masses on the sad distruction of education. As a teacher and a parent of three in the system I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for not passing up the opportunity to educate the masses on what big business money hungry government officials are doing to the American education system. As Americans, as human beings, we need to realizes that it is the responsibility of ALL to protect children from becoming pawns in the game that is now called Ed Reform by many. To all the naysayersDon’t Hate…Educate!

    • Annmarie Ferry

      I completely agree that dividing and labeling are two surefire ways to shoot any movement in the foot! We don’t have to agree on everything to agree on important things that affect us all in the present and the future. Screw political affiliation! If you have a captive audience, continue to speak up, speak out, and educate them.

  3. Kelly Harrison

    From a right-wing nutjob, thanks for the open mind. Yup, we disagree on a lot. But if we respect one another and keep an open mind, it’s amazing how much common ground we really have. Its also amazing how often we’ll find that we actually like each other, despite the areas where we differ.

    This country was founded on the idea that disagreement was good. Just keep it civil and about ideas, not personalities. Glad to be on your side!

  4. Laurie

    Thank you. Glenn seems to be a magnet for hate. The work you’re doing is appreciated regardless of party. Keep up the amazing work!!

    • Marsha

      Glenn Beck is a magnet for love, not hate. He doesn’t hate, he preaches and lives love. Check him out. People often rely on what they’re told and not the truth of what they themselves find out and know. Do the research. He’s on the phone with Montel Williams right now, joining with him on this VA mess to make a difference.

      I was so glad to hear from Kathleen on the Blaze. As a retired teacher (& husband a retired principal) in FL, we applaud her truthfulness and joining with a strong platform like Glen Beck to stop Common Core. Blessings on her and her mission! For the sake of our children and grandchildren.

      Politics or parties aside, we each have a voice and want to stand for what is right. We don’t have to repeat or believe what other voices declare, but we must be open-minded and make up our own minds, looking for people with whom we can respectfully work together more efficiently for our values.

      “If we don’t work on our heart, our head will drive us insane.” Glenn Beck

      Speaking the truth in love, we stand together to fight this destructive Common Core.

  5. Ann

    I’m a conservative and a Glenn Beck follower. I’m happy to check out your site and listen to anything you have to say. I know we will have some ideas in common.

  6. Julie

    Thank you for your honesty! We need to focus on the things that we agree on instead of the things that divide us. God bless you in your work and thank you for all you do for education!

  7. Brett D

    “We CANNOT align with the right no matter what!”
    This sentence is a perfect summary of what’s wrong with “politicz”.
    People are so attached to their party that they’ve become stripped of their individuality.

    In comparing our individual beliefs and values, anyone can find common ground with just about anyone else. And by identifying and uniting on that common ground, real and positive change in our country will come in a short matter of time.

    Kathleen — I hope experiences like yours will help encourage such a culture in our country.

  8. Bruce

    Kathleen, I really appreciated your comments. It speaks to the fact that people from all backgrounds can and should join with others to support those concepts and principles in which we find common ground. For too long now people have held on to ideologies and have forgotten what THEY THEMSELVES believe in and stand for. Not too often in life does an experience give us an opportunity to step back and examine what we have attached our lives to. Your experiences with Glen, his constituency, and “your own party’s” people have opened a door to this opportunity. Please think about it. And, thank you for working to put education back into education reform. Common core is not the answer; it just introduces a new set of problems. Keep up the good work!

  9. Cathy Cloud

    I am so glad that you had a positive experience with Mr. Beck. My 89 year-old Mother always enjoyed watching him on television but she lives in CA and my four liberal sisters there shamed her into not watching. She always asks me if he’s still on TV where I live and whether I ever see Sarah Palin on air. She misses these people who remind her of old friends who are now gone. Sad we have become so polarized…thank you for the work you do.

  10. NV

    Thank you Kathleen! Your kind words and actually seeing first hand what true listeners of Glenn Beck are about are refreshing. Glad to be part of it, let’s get to work.

  11. Sandra M Smith

    I founded Democrats Against Common Core, which is smaller that the large group in which I participate, Californians Against Common Core (4700 members!). When I’m in the big group I find myself among 95% conservatives. I have always been very liberal and Fox News made my skin crawl. It has been so weird to find such common ground with all of these conservatives and work together with them. They are very nice people with whom I would never have thought I would get along or, crazier yet, work together with on a cause. They welcome me with open arms and are happy to have an alliance. I can’t believe I find myself on the same side with Glenn Beck either. Never in my life have I seen an issue that has united people across party lines like Common Core.

    • Kathleen Doan

      Dear Sandra,

      Welcome to the fight. And, indeed, it will be a fight. Literally, it will be a fight for the very soul of our nation. Common Core will produce automons that will be good little workers.

      We here in Florida are at ground zero in our battle against Common Core and Jeb Bush and his cronies. In the last skirmish we succeeded in making Common Core a dirty word in our state capital, only to lose that battle resulting in a name change of the Common Core State Standards; but no elimination of the standards themselves. We did get out of P.A.R.C.C., but I don’t know that A.I.R. will be any better.

      The powers that be think that we will go home now and politely cooperate for the upcoming election. Unfortunately, for them, our children and our country are too important to us.

      We feel like it is now time to circle the wagons. is right now, as I write, putting together a National Stop Common Core Convention here in Florida in Orlando for October 18th & 19th. We want to bring all of the great minds together to stop this Federal over-reach of OUR education system. Join us this Sunday on our GoToMeeting event at (time to be determined) to help us organized the event. We already have Sandra Stotsky onboard for the event. Check out the website above for updates. Contact me, Kathleen Doan, if you would like to participate or help organize the event – (239) 246-4150 or email me at or

      We have just begun to fight! Kathleen Doan,

  12. Debbie Kerekes

    Thank you so much for your article! I am a conservative grandma. I home-schooled me 3 grown kids and am now helping with grandkids in a charter school. I was never “anti-school” like some I knew, and many of my friends are public and private school teachers.
    I am sad to say, I didn’t even know any liberals were fighting Common Core! Now I am so glad to hear that!
    I also want to say that I have been equally hated on by Democrats and the good-old-boy, establishment GOP! Standing for truth and speaking up for what we all believe in is way more important than standing with a political party.
    Thanks again, God bless you!

  13. lexi

    Thank you for being open to meeting Glenn and for expressing your feeling on Common Core. It’s a program that every state needs to remove. It should be left to the state and city’s what they want to teach not the federal government. The education system has declined so much since no child left behind came in to play under Bush. It’s refreshing to see people from the left and the right come together on common ground issue. If we can start to do that will more things we might just save our country from the hate that is being created.
    God Bless!!
    Repeal common core today!!

  14. Jim Oase

    Humanity’s common core is ethics, morality and integrity.

    After reading several of the responses it appears humanity’s common core, ethics, morality and integrity is very attractive to all.

  15. Angel G.

    We will never all agree on everything, but if we truly believe our cause is just and honest. Then we must be stand up for that belief no matter what side we are on. And when we can treat each other with respect and dignity in that process, this is how we change things for the better.

    I just wanted to encourage you to continue the work you are doing.

  16. Chad B

    I am very happy to see this written. I’ve now listened to Glenn for about 5-6 yrs, about the time he started on Fox. I think most people who HATE him have never listened to him in a fully contextual way. Now I started out in life not caring too much at all about politics and in fact I remember an election cycle thinking to myself; “How much free stuff is this politician promising me?” Around 30 I started paying attention because I may not care about politics but politics cares about me. The machine is made for people that don’t really want to think about things too much. The distracted mind is an easy one to persuade. Through-out my journey, I started listening to Rush, Levin, Hannity and then Beck. They all do things well in their own way but I found myself drawn into the sincerity of Glenn’s monologues and his innate ability to tie things together and be right about them in the end. Through this time I have seen him become a uniter. He believes that people can stand together on issues even though they don’t see eye to eye on every political point. Its principle over party and in the end its love that will win. There are self evident truths which cannot be denied to a free society.

    Common Core has been something he has been very passionate about for some time now. It scares me because I have 4 children in school (1 just graduated). The younger children are tested constantly and it seems our school system is perfectly fine with the new curriculum. I see homework come home pushing political agenda framed in a lesson that makes it seem like fact. I’m thinking I’d rather homeschool now if we could make it work financially. The thought that they are trying to predetermine the career that my kids will follow at such a young age is scary and Orwellian. The data collection initiative within Common Core ought to shake the foundation of every American. With enough data they can make anyone into anything they want them to be. Gone is the individual. Gone is the teacher’s judgement. Gone is the local control over our kid’s schools. Central planning in education is just plain bad, but in our education system, it cripples our American ingenuity and stifles our kids imaginations & dreams.

    Thank you Kathleen for taking a stand and not conforming to the powers that be in your school system! You are courageous and I pray for you to be successful in this fight for the fabric of our society – our children’s minds. Keep positive and know that you have people in your corner. Don’t let other’s continue to divide us. Endure! “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus.” Rom 15:5

    Looking forward to the Fathom even “We will not Conform” to help me in my quest of defeating Common Core. The task seems large and ingrained into our school system already and we need to be ready to make the clear argument against its implementation. THANK YOU!!

  17. Tracy

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m a conservative but there are positions that my party takes that I don’t agree on. I’m encouraged and motivated by you and grateful to know that we call all agree and disagree but try and work together on things like common core. Best of luck and my positive thoughts and prayers are with you as you pursue this cause.

  18. Becca

    I am so appreciative of your work and efforts towards the betterment of education for our children. Reaching out to each other for the sake of our kids in making sure they have an opportunity to get a quality education in a positive environment isn’t a party issue. It should be everyone’s concern. If you don’t have a child they are your future leaders! Thank you for your sacrifice and your work and using your voice in this matter especially since so many teachers/administrators are going along with this mess in fear of losing their jobs, such as you did. That took courage. I am exercising my voice in my own little community in CA. All our voices together are going to make a lour ROAR! We can already see we are being heard as one by one states are starting to withdraw. (hopefully CA is not far behind!) It is because of people like you. Prayers for you and I hope you get back into the education field as truly it is people like you who belong there.

  19. belinda

    Bless YOU … Never give up and Never give in.
    As a parent with ADHD, of a child with ADHD I have had to fight for the rights of my child since 2008. Only to have them snatched away this year … due to the forced inclusion of special education students … due to reduction of staff (Special Education Teachers) … due to lack of funds in local school district ??? Or due to COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS IMPLEMENTATION ??? In my personal case I can only assume BOTH. Because I certainly can NOT get a straight answer to ANY question I have raised. I am constantly re-directed to someone else. And now no one will return my calls.


    For even if I stand alone, I will stand, I will not conform to a society that seeks to destroy all that is good and perfect … especially a child.

  20. Lori

    There are actually three things that you and Sarah Palin agree upon…She {Sarah} cited her opposition to Common Core as a key reason for her endorsement of state Rep. Chris McDaniel over incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran in Mississippi’s Republican Senate primary.

    And I’m happy to see that you have realized through your own personal experience that there is a media bias towards anyone who goes against the politically correct view of that media. Most people I speak to who “hate” Fox News have never even watched that channel; they base their opinion of that channel upon snippets used by Bill Mahr, Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart or other Left Wing personalities.

    Since it appears that you admitted to something rather similar (you don’t watch Fox News unless your husband turns it on to rile you up), I’m glad that something took place to make you aware that perhaps, just perhaps, your open mindedness needed to expand just a bit.

    It is what we Conservatives have been asking our friends and neighbors to do for quite a while now while we fight against a media that spreads misinformation about us to protect their own bias.

  21. The N.P.P.

    A few years ago I happened upon a blog from a Liberal single mother who somehow met and had lunch with Sarah Palin. She wrote in her blog that although it was night and day on opinions, she found the woman to be charming, open and in fact, if they hadn’t been on opposite sides of issues, would have enjoyed having Sarah as a friend.
    OMG! The attacks that came at her from her “friends.” Vicious, hate filled, targeted attacks for honestly saying that Sarah was indeed a fine person to know.
    The danger for you — and for this woman whose blog I failed to tag — is that if you start Listening to what is being said, you’ll begin to realize that what is being said will start making sense.
    The other blog expected Sarah to be this vampid, spewing caricature just as you expected Beck to be some sort of hate spewing, ear plugged guy.
    Soon you may begin to realize the almost active campaign is in place to prevent you and those like you from listening first instead of judging by “what you’ve heard.”
    So I make you two warning/suggestions: 1) Why not buck your beliefs even further by seeing if you could somehow connect with Palin sometime. Like the other lady blogger, you may be shocked by what you discover.
    And 2) Beware of hanging around these people too long! All of your “friends” will desert you (as noted, the other lady blogger was simply shocked at the number of “friends” who attacked and abandoned her) AND you may begin to think their stance on issues … just … might …. be … correct.
    And once you begin the road to Conservatism, your life will turn upside down, but you’ll also begin to smile a LOT more.
    I should know — I now have Conservative friends.

  22. Greg Fraunfelter

    I am a 65 year old man 35 year retired teacher and am extremely conservative. One of my oldest arguments is that when we started to divide this country with special laws for special groups we started a slide downhill because equal is not fair nor is equal equitable. In the early 90’s when this push was started for a government takeover of education i spoke up and said,”before you know it the entire nation will be teaching to a test.” This has been coming for years. I do not care who is right or who is left I have decided viewpoint that right is right and wrong is wrong. Common Core is without a doubt the most anti-cognitive, anti-intellectual, anti- creative and anti- thoughtful program I have ever seen. It is about one thing and one thing only – power and control. ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN used to make me want to throw a shoe through the TV. Along came Mr. Beck and Rush Limbaugh and they, too, made me want to throw a shoe through the radio though I was in agreement with them on some things. With Common Core I am quite certain we all are in agreement.

  23. LibertyChick

    Prior to the last decade or two, most folks were pretty private about their political affiliation. Now people are wearing it like a team jersey: no matter what the affiliation says or does it’s supported.

    We’ve lost people making up their own minds on whether they support an idea or direction, and instead look to the leaders of their party to find out what they support. In doing so, all common sense is lost. Moral beliefs are lost, or twisted: like you’re against people if you against protecting our borders and enforcing immigration laws, rather than we’re putting Americans at risk when people flood over our borders with who knows what communicable diseases, invasive non-native specie plants/seeds, and crippling debt while paying for services for people not contributing to the tax load that pays for those services.

    We’re approaching a breaking point of America remaining America, or being lost forever. If Americans want something other than what America is, they should move to the country that provides that, but don’t un-do what America is, what people have been escaping in other countries to have for over 200 years.

    Why are we kind to other countries/illegals at the expense of being hurtful to Americans?

    Who cares what your party believes, what do you believe? And do you believe that in the end you will have any degree of wealth or property? Not when we loose the Republic.

  24. NRWD


    Thank you for this article and for your brave stance on the issue you are passionate about.

    What I find interesting is this phenomena that you describe about how you imagine or assume conservative people believe or behave. As a fiscally conservative (finance person professionally) yet socially liberal California female Republican, I can tell you that for over 10 years, female, Democrat friends have been revolted to find out that I was a Republican without ever asking what I thought about anything. I was even “dropped” by a book club of “friends” like I was evil, rude, contagious, stupid. Even my best friend of 30 years tries to “shame” me for watching Fox News. This “demonization” of people based on party, or opinion on any one issue is IGNORANT and DANGEROUS! I am a very principled, thoughtful, intelligent person and I don’t agree with anyone about EVERYTHING no matter what political party they belong to. Why is this so hard for the left to understand?

  25. Kristi

    I’m in the system (K-8) and thank you for being so active against Common Core. We agree on that! I like guns and if I shoot something you can bet I’ll be eating it. You could call it a practice. I do NOT believe that it is up to government to suppress one person’s rights in favor of another’s. In other words, it’s a woman’s choice no matter how repugnant/difficult that choice may be.

    I also believe that we as Americans, should have shifting alliances with factions. You and I join on Common Core & Women’s Right to choose. Then, we part ways and oppose each other on the 2nd Amendment. This is how we get good work done.

    Thank you for opposing Common Core, empowering teachers and supporting our children becoming the individual people they are supposed to be.

    May God bless you and keep you!

  26. Bill Tate

    As someone whom you would likely disagree with on many issues, I greatly appreciate your candor and honesty regarding your recent appearance on Glenn Beck. These traits seem to be in very short supply these days.

    I despise the current tenor of the public conversation as many would prefer to engage in character assassination. I believe in debating ideas. I have no difficulty having the soundness of my reasoning and assumptions examined. I have a simple (albeit naive) expectation that all parties would be willing to have their own ideas tested and scrutinized as well. We don’t have to agree but we should, at the very least, be able to engage in a productive conversation to find common ground.

  27. TMD

    Best of luck, prayers for your strength and dignity…..sent your cause a little something. Regards from a Red Stater…..God Bless.

  28. Jorge

    I am a conservative and I am donating to your cause…. We don’t need to be divided on things we agree on only because we affiliate with different parties. If your movement makes sense and it improves our quality of life then I am in, no matter who you are. Thank you for what you do.

  29. Randy Alexander

    I am a Conservative. Some of my closest friends, a couple of whom I would literally trust with my life, are liberals. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people, who identify themselves as liberal, say almost exactly what you’ve said above. People who were shocked when they actually met conservatives, TEA Party members, etc. face to face. Some of those folks have become Conservatives over time; others are still Liberals. I’ve noticed a fundamental difference between the two groups and I don’t think it’s simply because I favor the Conservative point of view. A lot of Liberals I’ve met are ANGRY. When you try to discuss issues they tend to name call and attack rather than listening to your point of view and presenting why they believe their point of view is better supported. I’m not saying all Liberals do this and I’m also not saying that some Conservatives can also resort to name calling and avoiding a true exchange of ideas. I am saying that from my experience, the majority of open minds are decidedly in the Conservative camp. If you continue to interact with Conservatives and look at leading liberals through your new lens I think you will notice the same thing. It is unfortunate that some people will attack you just for entertaining an idea they disagree with and considering the possibility that it may have some merit.

  30. Gary

    I think it should be noted, and Kathleen may not have been aware of this, but Sarah Palin was one of only 2 or 3 Governors way back who rejected common core for their states. The below is excerpted from a State of Alaska press release:

    Alaska Chooses to Monitor Common Core Education Initiative

    May 31, 2009, Anchorage, Alaska – Governor Sarah Palin announced that the State of Alaska has chosen to monitor but not yet actively participate in the upcoming initiative to create nationwide common core state standards in reading and math…..

    …..“Alaska’s decision not to participate until after we monitor this is based on our desire to spend our time and public resources to improve instruction in the classroom and to form productive relationships between schools and the communities they serve,” Governor Palin said. “If this initiative produces useful results, Alaska will remain free to incorporate them in our own standards.”……..

    …….“The standards are not the education problem we face,” the governor said. “The major challenges are persistently low achievement among some students and a low graduation rate. Now is the time for the state and school districts to work together to improve instruction and student achievement.”……..

    …….“The State of Alaska fully believes that schools must have high expectations of students,” Governor Palin said. “But high expectations are not always created by new, mandated federal standards written on paper. They are created in the home, the community and the classroom.”

  31. FM

    Love the way you both came together for a great cause!!! God bless and keep up the great job.

  32. Brenda

    Kathleen – I’m a teacher and a mother who is ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work on dismantling Common Core. I saw you last night at the Fathom Event “We Will Not Conform” and what you shared was so valuable. Thank you.
    I have been a follower of Glenn Beck for years and have watched him evolve from a somewhat zany character into a compassionate (and often funny) educator. I wish more people would do as you did and listen to him – really listen to him. Even he admits that he’s not the same man he was 5 years ago.
    But I also want to lift YOU up and thank you for all that you are doing. You are amazing. I will continue to follow your path and glean as much as I can from your sincere efforts to abolish Common Core. We’re all in this together.
    God bless you, Kathleen.

  33. Dean


    I saw you on Glenn Beck’s show earlier this year. Your comments about the money involved with testing were illuminating. I saw you last night again and thought that you had the boldest and best comment: “Opt out of testing.” I am now a supporter. Thank you!


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