If you liked this you may also like our conversation with Dr. Greene on Qualitative Research and our blog  The Key to Student Success is more Socializing.

7 Responses

  1. Suzan Harden

    Please tell me this student could be convinced to consider a career in education! If you haven’t listened to this, it is well worth your time.

    • Kathleen Jasper

      He did a great job, didn’t he?! He has a lot of valid points. He is passionate about social issues and he certainly laid them out in his interview. So glad you are listening.

    • Kathleen Jasper

      Thanks Jason! We are so glad you’re here. Let us know any topics you would be interested in exploring with us either through our podcast or our blog.

  2. Janice Bowman

    Kathleen, Great job. Thank you for bringing out the money trail! We have politicians on both sides R&D which are just in it for their own $$$ and the children are the least common denominator!

    Have you thought of helping to promote a NATIONAL OPT DAY for testing this year! I am a member of several groups in Pa and talk with other states I can help work on getting connections for you.

    We have been stressing that stop the DATA kills the common core standards and helps get back to local control of schools! That is the only reason for ccss. We want to go back to a seperate state and local standards which allow a child to be or become who they were or desired to be! We want the teachers to be able to have a classroom with children whom are not inclusive like it is today. Mixing children whom have learning challenges, illiterate in English causes a teacher not to be as creative and effective in the time she is allotted to teach. If we could get teachers, students, parents, and other education to have OUR OWN EDUCATION SUMMITT we could shine a greater light on the raping of our education system, we are experiencing today! It might be what we need to line up children with the trained teachers to reach the highest number of students!

    I am a nurse and Obamcare had a big effect on nurses and doctors leaving their profession. I was one of them. Like Common Core is either voluntarily or involuntarily causing same effect.

    Another topic we are educating parents on is their parental rights being usurped, throught the instruments called “EDUCATION NEGLECT” under HEW and 3rd party damge to child and education staff is a sovereign immunity case leaving district free of responsibility if a staff or child is injured or killed! We are teaching parent s how to protect themselves and what to watch for!

    I would love to talk to you sometime, if possible! Keep up the good work! We are all supporting you, from my group WE THE PEOPLE in PA.

  3. Jason Bishop

    I’m trying my best to see all points of view on CCSS. I found this from listening to the Glen Beck radio show, although I sometimes have a hard time with some of his views this CCSS issue burns me. I have a 18 yr old who is struggling to even graduate, has struggles her entire life with the school system. A 14 yr old who has been is opposite but is not finding any motivation in school. Finally an 8 yr old who is a social butterfly. What can I do to get my children from having to take these ridiculous tests and convince the facility to stop this sub-standard crap. I know all kids are different and all learn different. HELP!

  4. kerijay

    That’s the way I was taught in the 50’s discussion. Today they don’t know how to carry on a conservation everything is email and texting.


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